10 guiding principles for business leaders

  1. Simplicity accelerates growth. Complexity slows you down. You can’t increase complexity and velocity.

  2. Have an ‘offence’ and a ‘defense’. When the pressure is on, many companies cut competitive growth initiatives. They lose.

  3. Align your business ‘ecosystem’. Any business is only as good as its weakest link to customers. Changes made to one part will affect the others.

  4. Behaviors mirror inside and outside the company. Customers see a mirror image of the way you do stuff internally, whether you think they do or not.

  5. Growth means people paying more, or more people paying for what you do. You must know why they will.

  6. The consequences of your behaviors are inevitable. New behaviors will bring change, good or bad. Changing only what you say may not affect anything.

  7. Relentless focus on the big things that matter, not small things that can be done easier yet seem urgent, brings results.

  8. Build structural integrity between your business and your customers. Gaps, misalignment or shortcomings will undermine pricing and financial return.

  9. Nothing happens until everyone understands. Even if you have great plans, great products and great people. Until everyone understands, including customers, nothing will happen.

  10. Doing business with you can’t be too difficult, costly or time consuming to justify your value. This applies to products, individual people, organizations etc…

Mike Roberts